Is Reiki good for kids?


One of the things that I love about Reiki is that you don’t have to be able to name the thing that is bothering you in order for Reiki to work. With kids this can be especially helpful. How often as a parent do you have moments where you know something is bothering your child and you feel helpless because you don’t know what it is? Maybe you even have an idea of what it is but your child won’t talk about it. Reiki can help.

Children respond really well to Reiki.

They often can feel it immediately and sometimes can even describe what they are feeling. Parents will also see a difference in their child. Things parents might notice are better sleep, less irritability, more at ease in their body and at home with siblings or parents, & more confidence.

If you notice your child withdrawing, having trouble sleeping, anxious about school or sports/activities, friend troubles, give Reiki a try.

ReikiJessica Schmechel