Distance Reiki
Feel lighter, more at ease, and peaceful

Online distance reiki with True North Healing

Reiki from the comfort of home.

Distance Reiki is experienced much the same as in-person Reiki, Reiki energy is sent directly to you. It is done over the phone or if preferred through video.

Distance Reiki is a benefit for people who are far away or have a barrier that prevents them from coming to the office. It is also pandemic proof — you stay in the comfort of your home and still receive all of the benefits.

// Feel grounded, more connected to yourself.


Meditation quiets our mind so we can hear our own quiet wisdom

// Reduce anxiety and stress.


Meditation is a tool that with practice can quickly bring calm and peace.

// Feel safe and comforted


This can happen in the office, but sometimes we can heal deeper wounds when you feel safe and comforted in your own space.


Although we always believe that tears are healing, we find some clients feel more comfortable in their own space if they are feeling emotionally distraught. Distance healing provides comfort and alleviates emotional pain while in the safety and comfort of your own home.

Online distance reiki with Mindful Reiki & Meditation

If you feel particularly vulnerable, sometimes your own space feels best.

Online distance reiki with Mindful Reiki & Meditation

Reiki Step-by-Step


CALL — Your practitioner will call you at your appointment time.


WE WILL TALK about what’s going on, what you have tried, how you feel etc.


GET COZY in a private space in your own home where you can be reclined and not interrupted.


REIKI – Your practitioner will share any feedback or things he/she is noticing as you receive Reiki.


get started!

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Frequently Asked Questions

+ Will I still feel the benefits during Distance Reiki?

Yes, you should expect to feel lighter, more relaxed and clearer following your session. Some people actually prefer a distance session to in person.

+ Will you still be able to tell what is going on with me and my energy?

Yes, I have great success with Reiki Distance Healings. Clients have been surprised when I can pinpoint the spot of a headache or isolate a muscle or back pain in a distance healing session. Reiki Distance Healing like in person Reiki is incredibly accurate and works to directly heal that which serves you best. Your body knows what it needs whether in person or through a distance and the energy will go where it can serve you best.


join my Mind Body Spirit Membership

Learn more by booking a call with Jess for more information. 
